AnnaBella Альбом (полученные ответы) (92 ответа)
Аноним отвечает 14 Июн 2023 11:37 для
Мечты и реальность
Ваша задача, ответить правду и не мне, а себе в первую очередь. Вероятно некоторые ответы себе же, помогут Вам изменить свою жизнь.
1. |
Сколько Вам лет?
2. |
Какая была мечта в дестве на тему: "Я стану"?
Patients with bacterascites who progress to SBP commonly have signs or symptoms of infection usually fever at the time of the paracentesis <a href=>cialis buy</a> NOTCH3 loss of function has been demonstrated for few mutations
3. |
Она сбылась? Стали?
Patients with bacterascites who progress to SBP commonly have signs or symptoms of infection usually fever at the time of the paracentesis <a href=>cialis buy</a> NOTCH3 loss of function has been demonstrated for few mutations
4. |
Почему мы предаем свои юношеские мечты?
Patients with bacterascites who progress to SBP commonly have signs or symptoms of infection usually fever at the time of the paracentesis <a href=>cialis buy</a> NOTCH3 loss of function has been demonstrated for few mutations
5. |
Если все вернуть, что бы Вы изменили?
Patients with bacterascites who progress to SBP commonly have signs or symptoms of infection usually fever at the time of the paracentesis <a href=>cialis buy</a> NOTCH3 loss of function has been demonstrated for few mutations
6. |
Вы согласны с утвержением. что человек хозяин своей жизни?
Patients with bacterascites who progress to SBP commonly have signs or symptoms of infection usually fever at the time of the paracentesis <a href=>cialis buy</a> NOTCH3 loss of function has been demonstrated for few mutations
7. |
Можно ли что-то изменить в Вашей, чтобы исполнилась Ваша детская мечта?
Patients with bacterascites who progress to SBP commonly have signs or symptoms of infection usually fever at the time of the paracentesis <a href=>cialis buy</a> NOTCH3 loss of function has been demonstrated for few mutations
8. |
Как Вы думаете, в основном мечты сбываются? Я имею в виду хорошие, крупные мечты, а не покупку стиральной машины.
Patients with bacterascites who progress to SBP commonly have signs or symptoms of infection usually fever at the time of the paracentesis <a href=>cialis buy</a> NOTCH3 loss of function has been demonstrated for few mutations
9. |
Вы когда-нибудь меняли свой жизненный путь под прессом обстоятельств?
Patients with bacterascites who progress to SBP commonly have signs or symptoms of infection usually fever at the time of the paracentesis <a href=>cialis buy</a> NOTCH3 loss of function has been demonstrated for few mutations
10. |
Можно ли преодолеть форс-можор?
Patients with bacterascites who progress to SBP commonly have signs or symptoms of infection usually fever at the time of the paracentesis <a href=>cialis buy</a> NOTCH3 loss of function has been demonstrated for few mutations
Все ответы для AnnaBella (92)
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