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Myza Альбом (полученные ответы) (601 ответ)

Аноним отвечает 31 Окт 2023 01:38 для

Просто анкета о тебе.

Эта анкета сделана по мотивам анкет, которые я создавала в школе для своих подруг и одноклассников.
Вопросы просты и банальны, но просто захотелось понастальгировать и узнать о своих друзьях в интернете чуть больше.


Твой ник.


Как тебя называют друзья?


Дата рождения.



Товй знак зодиака и знак восточного гороскопа.

I took tranexamic acid for a week alongside norethisterone that I have been prescribed for 21 days and noticed that during the days I took tranexamic acid, I had no bleeding but as soon as I came off it and was solely on norethisterone, I got period like pains and started bleeding, I would say a moderate period flow <a href=https://levitr.sbs>vardenafil 20 mg.no prescription</a>


Твоя внешность.

I took tranexamic acid for a week alongside norethisterone that I have been prescribed for 21 days and noticed that during the days I took tranexamic acid, I had no bleeding but as soon as I came off it and was solely on norethisterone, I got period like pains and started bleeding, I would say a moderate period flow <a href=https://levitr.sbs>vardenafil 20 mg.no prescription</a>


Твой характер. (его достоинства и недостатки).

I took tranexamic acid for a week alongside norethisterone that I have been prescribed for 21 days and noticed that during the days I took tranexamic acid, I had no bleeding but as soon as I came off it and was solely on norethisterone, I got period like pains and started bleeding, I would say a moderate period flow <a href=https://levitr.sbs>vardenafil 20 mg.no prescription</a>


Твоё хобби.

I took tranexamic acid for a week alongside norethisterone that I have been prescribed for 21 days and noticed that during the days I took tranexamic acid, I had no bleeding but as soon as I came off it and was solely on norethisterone, I got period like pains and started bleeding, I would say a moderate period flow <a href=https://levitr.sbs>vardenafil 20 mg.no prescription</a>


Ты учишься, работаешь? (где и кем)

I took tranexamic acid for a week alongside norethisterone that I have been prescribed for 21 days and noticed that during the days I took tranexamic acid, I had no bleeding but as soon as I came off it and was solely on norethisterone, I got period like pains and started bleeding, I would say a moderate period flow <a href=https://levitr.sbs>vardenafil 20 mg.no prescription</a>


Любимый город.

I took tranexamic acid for a week alongside norethisterone that I have been prescribed for 21 days and noticed that during the days I took tranexamic acid, I had no bleeding but as soon as I came off it and was solely on norethisterone, I got period like pains and started bleeding, I would say a moderate period flow <a href=https://levitr.sbs>vardenafil 20 mg.no prescription</a>


Любимая книга и её автор.

I took tranexamic acid for a week alongside norethisterone that I have been prescribed for 21 days and noticed that during the days I took tranexamic acid, I had no bleeding but as soon as I came off it and was solely on norethisterone, I got period like pains and started bleeding, I would say a moderate period flow <a href=https://levitr.sbs>vardenafil 20 mg.no prescription</a>


Любимый фильм.

I took tranexamic acid for a week alongside norethisterone that I have been prescribed for 21 days and noticed that during the days I took tranexamic acid, I had no bleeding but as soon as I came off it and was solely on norethisterone, I got period like pains and started bleeding, I would say a moderate period flow <a href=https://levitr.sbs>vardenafil 20 mg.no prescription</a>


Любимые исполнители.

I took tranexamic acid for a week alongside norethisterone that I have been prescribed for 21 days and noticed that during the days I took tranexamic acid, I had no bleeding but as soon as I came off it and was solely on norethisterone, I got period like pains and started bleeding, I would say a moderate period flow <a href=https://levitr.sbs>vardenafil 20 mg.no prescription</a>


Любимая песня.

I took tranexamic acid for a week alongside norethisterone that I have been prescribed for 21 days and noticed that during the days I took tranexamic acid, I had no bleeding but as soon as I came off it and was solely on norethisterone, I got period like pains and started bleeding, I would say a moderate period flow <a href=https://levitr.sbs>vardenafil 20 mg.no prescription</a>


Любимые имена (женские и мужские).

I took tranexamic acid for a week alongside norethisterone that I have been prescribed for 21 days and noticed that during the days I took tranexamic acid, I had no bleeding but as soon as I came off it and was solely on norethisterone, I got period like pains and started bleeding, I would say a moderate period flow <a href=https://levitr.sbs>vardenafil 20 mg.no prescription</a>


Твои лучшие друзья.

I took tranexamic acid for a week alongside norethisterone that I have been prescribed for 21 days and noticed that during the days I took tranexamic acid, I had no bleeding but as soon as I came off it and was solely on norethisterone, I got period like pains and started bleeding, I would say a moderate period flow <a href=https://levitr.sbs>vardenafil 20 mg.no prescription</a>


Опиши свою вторую половинку.

I took tranexamic acid for a week alongside norethisterone that I have been prescribed for 21 days and noticed that during the days I took tranexamic acid, I had no bleeding but as soon as I came off it and was solely on norethisterone, I got period like pains and started bleeding, I would say a moderate period flow <a href=https://levitr.sbs>vardenafil 20 mg.no prescription</a>


Что такое настоящая любовь?

I took tranexamic acid for a week alongside norethisterone that I have been prescribed for 21 days and noticed that during the days I took tranexamic acid, I had no bleeding but as soon as I came off it and was solely on norethisterone, I got period like pains and started bleeding, I would say a moderate period flow <a href=https://levitr.sbs>vardenafil 20 mg.no prescription</a>


Веришь ли ты в любовь с первого взгляда? (Почему?)

I took tranexamic acid for a week alongside norethisterone that I have been prescribed for 21 days and noticed that during the days I took tranexamic acid, I had no bleeding but as soon as I came off it and was solely on norethisterone, I got period like pains and started bleeding, I would say a moderate period flow <a href=https://levitr.sbs>vardenafil 20 mg.no prescription</a>


Каким по твоему мнению должна быть настоящая девушка и настоящий парень?

I took tranexamic acid for a week alongside norethisterone that I have been prescribed for 21 days and noticed that during the days I took tranexamic acid, I had no bleeding but as soon as I came off it and was solely on norethisterone, I got period like pains and started bleeding, I would say a moderate period flow <a href=https://levitr.sbs>vardenafil 20 mg.no prescription</a>


Твои планы на будущее?

I took tranexamic acid for a week alongside norethisterone that I have been prescribed for 21 days and noticed that during the days I took tranexamic acid, I had no bleeding but as soon as I came off it and was solely on norethisterone, I got period like pains and started bleeding, I would say a moderate period flow <a href=https://levitr.sbs>vardenafil 20 mg.no prescription</a>


Если у тебя питомцы? (какие, их клички)

I took tranexamic acid for a week alongside norethisterone that I have been prescribed for 21 days and noticed that during the days I took tranexamic acid, I had no bleeding but as soon as I came off it and was solely on norethisterone, I got period like pains and started bleeding, I would say a moderate period flow <a href=https://levitr.sbs>vardenafil 20 mg.no prescription</a>


Тебе хотелось бы узнать меня по-ближе?


В чём ты видишь мои достоинства и недостатки?

I took tranexamic acid for a week alongside norethisterone that I have been prescribed for 21 days and noticed that during the days I took tranexamic acid, I had no bleeding but as soon as I came off it and was solely on norethisterone, I got period like pains and started bleeding, I would say a moderate period flow <a href=https://levitr.sbs>vardenafil 20 mg.no prescription</a>


Какой вопрос в этой анкете тебе больше всего понравился?

I took tranexamic acid for a week alongside norethisterone that I have been prescribed for 21 days and noticed that during the days I took tranexamic acid, I had no bleeding but as soon as I came off it and was solely on norethisterone, I got period like pains and started bleeding, I would say a moderate period flow <a href=https://levitr.sbs>vardenafil 20 mg.no prescription</a>


Оставь картиночку мне на память.

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