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Лоринга Альбом (полученные ответы) (156 ответов)

Аноним отвечает 16 Авг 2023 05:08 для

Творчество )

Анкета для тех, кто пишет. Неважно что - оригинальные произведения или фики. Важно, что в человеке это есть, а значит, у него имеется что сказать.


Начнем с основ. Какая оценка по русскому языку стоит у вас в аттестате? И заслуженно ли вы ее получили?

Ketogenic diets tend to be very low calorie and can stop your period <a href=https://ciali.sbs>best place to buy cialis online forum</a> As over one third of the extended kindreds included affected relatives besides sibs, in addition to an analysis of allele sharing between affected sibs, a novel linkage strategy was applied that extracted full nonparametric information


С грамотностью разобрались. Перейдем к истокам: когда вы почувствовали тягу к сочинительству? Было ли это после какого-то события, потрясшего вас, или просто поняли, что нуждаетесь в том, чтобы выплеснуть ваши мысли на бумагу/экран?

Ketogenic diets tend to be very low calorie and can stop your period <a href=https://ciali.sbs>best place to buy cialis online forum</a> As over one third of the extended kindreds included affected relatives besides sibs, in addition to an analysis of allele sharing between affected sibs, a novel linkage strategy was applied that extracted full nonparametric information


Когда вы начали показывать свои творения людям? Долго ли писали "в стол"?

Ketogenic diets tend to be very low calorie and can stop your period <a href=https://ciali.sbs>best place to buy cialis online forum</a> As over one third of the extended kindreds included affected relatives besides sibs, in addition to an analysis of allele sharing between affected sibs, a novel linkage strategy was applied that extracted full nonparametric information


В каком жанре вы пишете (детектив, реалистическая проза, мистика и т.д.)? А с какого начинали?

Ketogenic diets tend to be very low calorie and can stop your period <a href=https://ciali.sbs>best place to buy cialis online forum</a> As over one third of the extended kindreds included affected relatives besides sibs, in addition to an analysis of allele sharing between affected sibs, a novel linkage strategy was applied that extracted full nonparametric information


Есть ли у вас боязнь "чистого листа"? Если есть, как вы ее преодолеваете?

Ketogenic diets tend to be very low calorie and can stop your period <a href=https://ciali.sbs>best place to buy cialis online forum</a> As over one third of the extended kindreds included affected relatives besides sibs, in addition to an analysis of allele sharing between affected sibs, a novel linkage strategy was applied that extracted full nonparametric information


Знаете ли вы теорию литературоведения, учились ли писательскому мастерству (сами или на курсах/семинарах)?

Ketogenic diets tend to be very low calorie and can stop your period <a href=https://ciali.sbs>best place to buy cialis online forum</a> As over one third of the extended kindreds included affected relatives besides sibs, in addition to an analysis of allele sharing between affected sibs, a novel linkage strategy was applied that extracted full nonparametric information


Вы начинали с подражания или сразу стали писать по-своему?

Ketogenic diets tend to be very low calorie and can stop your period <a href=https://ciali.sbs>best place to buy cialis online forum</a> As over one third of the extended kindreds included affected relatives besides sibs, in addition to an analysis of allele sharing between affected sibs, a novel linkage strategy was applied that extracted full nonparametric information


Какую форму вы предпочитаете - крупную или малую?

Ketogenic diets tend to be very low calorie and can stop your period <a href=https://ciali.sbs>best place to buy cialis online forum</a> As over one third of the extended kindreds included affected relatives besides sibs, in addition to an analysis of allele sharing between affected sibs, a novel linkage strategy was applied that extracted full nonparametric information


Пишете ли вы стихи? Если да, то что вдохновляет вас на стихи?

Ketogenic diets tend to be very low calorie and can stop your period <a href=https://ciali.sbs>best place to buy cialis online forum</a> As over one third of the extended kindreds included affected relatives besides sibs, in addition to an analysis of allele sharing between affected sibs, a novel linkage strategy was applied that extracted full nonparametric information


Испытываете ли вы по окончании работы над произведением удовлетворенние от собственного труда или же понимаете, что не сказали, не выразили и половины того, что хотели?

Ketogenic diets tend to be very low calorie and can stop your period <a href=https://ciali.sbs>best place to buy cialis online forum</a> As over one third of the extended kindreds included affected relatives besides sibs, in addition to an analysis of allele sharing between affected sibs, a novel linkage strategy was applied that extracted full nonparametric information


Вы пишете по строго установленной для себя норме (например, часть авторов говорит, что, если хочешь развиваться, как писатель, должен выдавать не менее 20 тыс. знаков в день) или когда приходит вдохновение?

Ketogenic diets tend to be very low calorie and can stop your period <a href=https://ciali.sbs>best place to buy cialis online forum</a> As over one third of the extended kindreds included affected relatives besides sibs, in addition to an analysis of allele sharing between affected sibs, a novel linkage strategy was applied that extracted full nonparametric information


От чего к вам чаще приходит вдохновение?

Ketogenic diets tend to be very low calorie and can stop your period <a href=https://ciali.sbs>best place to buy cialis online forum</a> As over one third of the extended kindreds included affected relatives besides sibs, in addition to an analysis of allele sharing between affected sibs, a novel linkage strategy was applied that extracted full nonparametric information


Творчество - это наркотик, без которого не можете жить, или "так, хобби"?

Ketogenic diets tend to be very low calorie and can stop your period <a href=https://ciali.sbs>best place to buy cialis online forum</a> As over one third of the extended kindreds included affected relatives besides sibs, in addition to an analysis of allele sharing between affected sibs, a novel linkage strategy was applied that extracted full nonparametric information


Рабираетесь ли вы в той теме, на которую пишете? Если нет, то пытаетесь ли разобраться?

Ketogenic diets tend to be very low calorie and can stop your period <a href=https://ciali.sbs>best place to buy cialis online forum</a> As over one third of the extended kindreds included affected relatives besides sibs, in addition to an analysis of allele sharing between affected sibs, a novel linkage strategy was applied that extracted full nonparametric information


Вы пишете на заказ?

Ketogenic diets tend to be very low calorie and can stop your period <a href=https://ciali.sbs>best place to buy cialis online forum</a> As over one third of the extended kindreds included affected relatives besides sibs, in addition to an analysis of allele sharing between affected sibs, a novel linkage strategy was applied that extracted full nonparametric information


Мечтаете ли издаваться или для вас достаточно сетевой славы?

Ketogenic diets tend to be very low calorie and can stop your period <a href=https://ciali.sbs>best place to buy cialis online forum</a> As over one third of the extended kindreds included affected relatives besides sibs, in addition to an analysis of allele sharing between affected sibs, a novel linkage strategy was applied that extracted full nonparametric information


Много ли вы пишете? "Ни дня без строчки" или "когда будет свободное время"?

Ketogenic diets tend to be very low calorie and can stop your period <a href=https://ciali.sbs>best place to buy cialis online forum</a> As over one third of the extended kindreds included affected relatives besides sibs, in addition to an analysis of allele sharing between affected sibs, a novel linkage strategy was applied that extracted full nonparametric information


Если ваша работа мешает творчеству, поменяете ли вы работу?

Ketogenic diets tend to be very low calorie and can stop your period <a href=https://ciali.sbs>best place to buy cialis online forum</a> As over one third of the extended kindreds included affected relatives besides sibs, in addition to an analysis of allele sharing between affected sibs, a novel linkage strategy was applied that extracted full nonparametric information


Много ли вы читаете?

Ketogenic diets tend to be very low calorie and can stop your period <a href=https://ciali.sbs>best place to buy cialis online forum</a> As over one third of the extended kindreds included affected relatives besides sibs, in addition to an analysis of allele sharing between affected sibs, a novel linkage strategy was applied that extracted full nonparametric information


Видите ли вы своих персонажей как живых, разговариваете ли с ними, можете ли сказать, что у каждого есть индивидуальность?

Ketogenic diets tend to be very low calorie and can stop your period <a href=https://ciali.sbs>best place to buy cialis online forum</a> As over one third of the extended kindreds included affected relatives besides sibs, in addition to an analysis of allele sharing between affected sibs, a novel linkage strategy was applied that extracted full nonparametric information


Вы предпочитаете писать фанфики или оригинальные произведения? Почему?

Ketogenic diets tend to be very low calorie and can stop your period <a href=https://ciali.sbs>best place to buy cialis online forum</a> As over one third of the extended kindreds included affected relatives besides sibs, in addition to an analysis of allele sharing between affected sibs, a novel linkage strategy was applied that extracted full nonparametric information


И последний вопрос: ваша формула успеха.

Ketogenic diets tend to be very low calorie and can stop your period <a href=https://ciali.sbs>best place to buy cialis online forum</a> As over one third of the extended kindreds included affected relatives besides sibs, in addition to an analysis of allele sharing between affected sibs, a novel linkage strategy was applied that extracted full nonparametric information

О себе

Ketogenic diets tend to be very low calorie and can stop your period <a href=https://ciali.sbs>best place to buy cialis online forum</a> As over one third of the extended kindreds included affected relatives besides sibs, in addition to an analysis of allele sharing between affected sibs, a novel linkage strategy was applied that extracted full nonparametric information

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