AlexKaz Альбом (полученные ответы) (7 ответов)
Аноним отвечает 02 Авг 2023 09:25 для
Предприниматель и предпринимательство: ваш взгляд
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Род деятельности, должность
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По вашему мнению, каковы шансы стать успешным индивидуальным предпринимателем / открыть собственную фирму?
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3. |
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frumil differine creme prix maroc parapharmacie The city has become an archaeological site, with thousands of artifacts such as an 18th century bone toothbrush with animal hair bristles and wine and champagne bottles corked centuries ago unearthed to prove it <a href=>best place to buy cialis online forum</a>
4. |
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frumil differine creme prix maroc parapharmacie The city has become an archaeological site, with thousands of artifacts such as an 18th century bone toothbrush with animal hair bristles and wine and champagne bottles corked centuries ago unearthed to prove it <a href=>best place to buy cialis online forum</a>
5. |
Назовите фамилии предпринимателей, добившихся успеха
frumil differine creme prix maroc parapharmacie The city has become an archaeological site, with thousands of artifacts such as an 18th century bone toothbrush with animal hair bristles and wine and champagne bottles corked centuries ago unearthed to prove it <a href=>best place to buy cialis online forum</a>
6. |
Как Вы считаете, благодаря чему они стали успешными?
frumil differine creme prix maroc parapharmacie The city has become an archaeological site, with thousands of artifacts such as an 18th century bone toothbrush with animal hair bristles and wine and champagne bottles corked centuries ago unearthed to prove it <a href=>best place to buy cialis online forum</a>
7. |
Что является причиной банкротств и неудач предпринимателей?
frumil differine creme prix maroc parapharmacie The city has become an archaeological site, with thousands of artifacts such as an 18th century bone toothbrush with animal hair bristles and wine and champagne bottles corked centuries ago unearthed to prove it <a href=>best place to buy cialis online forum</a>
8. |
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frumil differine creme prix maroc parapharmacie The city has become an archaeological site, with thousands of artifacts such as an 18th century bone toothbrush with animal hair bristles and wine and champagne bottles corked centuries ago unearthed to prove it <a href=>best place to buy cialis online forum</a>
9. |
Что Вы выберете на месте молодого человека, оканчивающего обучение в ВУЗ'e: а) прийти работником в уже созданную фирму, б) совмещать предыдущий пункт и организацию небольшого "стартапа", в) рискнуть и зарегистрировать свою дело с полной занятостью, г) иное (указать)
frumil differine creme prix maroc parapharmacie The city has become an archaeological site, with thousands of artifacts such as an 18th century bone toothbrush with animal hair bristles and wine and champagne bottles corked centuries ago unearthed to prove it <a href=>best place to buy cialis online forum</a>
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