{Хахахаха} Альбом (полученные ответы) (3410 ответов)
Аноним отвечает 30 Июл 2023 18:23 для
Что для вас поэзия
8 вопросов о вашем отношении к поэзии и своему творчеству.
1. |
Вы считаете поэзию ремеслом?
There are several different brands of Vitex on Amazon but they should all be mostly the same stuff Vitex agnus- castus chasteberry <a href=https://tadalafi.cfd>buy real cialis online</a> Insult, this is definitely an insult, and it is the most direct provocation
2. |
Вы хотели бы стать профессиональным поэтом – или это для души?
There are several different brands of Vitex on Amazon but they should all be mostly the same stuff Vitex agnus- castus chasteberry <a href=https://tadalafi.cfd>buy real cialis online</a> Insult, this is definitely an insult, and it is the most direct provocation
3. |
Как вы храните тексты своих стихов?
There are several different brands of Vitex on Amazon but they should all be mostly the same stuff Vitex agnus- castus chasteberry <a href=https://tadalafi.cfd>buy real cialis online</a> Insult, this is definitely an insult, and it is the most direct provocation
4. |
Вы пишете за компьютером или на бумаге от руки?
There are several different brands of Vitex on Amazon but they should all be mostly the same stuff Vitex agnus- castus chasteberry <a href=https://tadalafi.cfd>buy real cialis online</a> Insult, this is definitely an insult, and it is the most direct provocation
5. |
Состязания поэтов могут стать органичной частью современной культуры?
There are several different brands of Vitex on Amazon but they should all be mostly the same stuff Vitex agnus- castus chasteberry <a href=https://tadalafi.cfd>buy real cialis online</a> Insult, this is definitely an insult, and it is the most direct provocation
6. |
Сегодня поэзия может собирать стадионы?
There are several different brands of Vitex on Amazon but they should all be mostly the same stuff Vitex agnus- castus chasteberry <a href=https://tadalafi.cfd>buy real cialis online</a> Insult, this is definitely an insult, and it is the most direct provocation
7. |
Стихи упрощают или усложняют общение с другими людьми?
There are several different brands of Vitex on Amazon but they should all be mostly the same stuff Vitex agnus- castus chasteberry <a href=https://tadalafi.cfd>buy real cialis online</a> Insult, this is definitely an insult, and it is the most direct provocation
8. |
Вы хотели бы научиться делать подкасты со своими стихами и постить себе в блог?
There are several different brands of Vitex on Amazon but they should all be mostly the same stuff Vitex agnus- castus chasteberry <a href=https://tadalafi.cfd>buy real cialis online</a> Insult, this is definitely an insult, and it is the most direct provocation
Все ответы для {Хахахаха} (3410)
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