Кен Ичи Альбом (полученные ответы) (342 ответа)
Аноним отвечает 13 Июл 2023 14:39 для
Как на вас повлияло аниме
1. |
Если бы в вашей жизни не было аниме..?
Betrter neighbors you could not find <a href=https://sildenafi.cfd>pills like viagra over the counter cvs</a> It is increasingly recognized that the drug development process might profit from studying PDX models with molecular techniques, routinely used in cell line models and genetically engineered mouse models GEMM 12, 13
2. |
Какое было ваше самое первое аниме и отношение к нему сейчас?
Betrter neighbors you could not find <a href=https://sildenafi.cfd>pills like viagra over the counter cvs</a> It is increasingly recognized that the drug development process might profit from studying PDX models with molecular techniques, routinely used in cell line models and genetically engineered mouse models GEMM 12, 13
3. |
Покупаете ли вы фигурки, артбуки и прочую фанатскую атрибутику? Если "да", то что у вас есть?
Betrter neighbors you could not find <a href=https://sildenafi.cfd>pills like viagra over the counter cvs</a> It is increasingly recognized that the drug development process might profit from studying PDX models with molecular techniques, routinely used in cell line models and genetically engineered mouse models GEMM 12, 13
4. |
Есть ли в вашем арсенале какие-нибудь жесты, которые вы переняли у героев аниме?
Betrter neighbors you could not find <a href=https://sildenafi.cfd>pills like viagra over the counter cvs</a> It is increasingly recognized that the drug development process might profit from studying PDX models with molecular techniques, routinely used in cell line models and genetically engineered mouse models GEMM 12, 13
5. |
Какое аниме вы бы сняли, если бы могли сделать что угодно (неограниченный бюджет, выбор любых актеров и т.д.), про что, в каком стиле, с кем, с какими саундтреками, ну и т.д.
Betrter neighbors you could not find <a href=https://sildenafi.cfd>pills like viagra over the counter cvs</a> It is increasingly recognized that the drug development process might profit from studying PDX models with molecular techniques, routinely used in cell line models and genetically engineered mouse models GEMM 12, 13
6. |
Как относитесь к косплею?
Betrter neighbors you could not find <a href=https://sildenafi.cfd>pills like viagra over the counter cvs</a> It is increasingly recognized that the drug development process might profit from studying PDX models with molecular techniques, routinely used in cell line models and genetically engineered mouse models GEMM 12, 13
7. |
Учавствуете ли сами в подобном? почему? =)
Betrter neighbors you could not find <a href=https://sildenafi.cfd>pills like viagra over the counter cvs</a> It is increasingly recognized that the drug development process might profit from studying PDX models with molecular techniques, routinely used in cell line models and genetically engineered mouse models GEMM 12, 13
8. |
Самая любимая аниме-полнометражка(ки)?
Betrter neighbors you could not find <a href=https://sildenafi.cfd>pills like viagra over the counter cvs</a> It is increasingly recognized that the drug development process might profit from studying PDX models with molecular techniques, routinely used in cell line models and genetically engineered mouse models GEMM 12, 13
9. |
Что посоветуете посмотреть из аниме?
Betrter neighbors you could not find <a href=https://sildenafi.cfd>pills like viagra over the counter cvs</a> It is increasingly recognized that the drug development process might profit from studying PDX models with molecular techniques, routinely used in cell line models and genetically engineered mouse models GEMM 12, 13
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