antigona Альбом (полученные ответы) (103 ответа)
Аноним отвечает 02 Июл 2023 02:27 для
Воспоминания 2011 года
Дорогие обитатели сайта, расскажите пожалуйста, каким был для вас уходящий год.
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Первое, что пиходит в голову в тот момент, когда вспоминается 2011 год?
For antibodies, this method of structure prediction is sufficiently reliable, given the special characteristics of this class of proteins stability of the immunoglobulin fold; limited number of canonical structures for the hypervariable loops; <a href=>best generic cialis</a>
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Приобретение года?
For antibodies, this method of structure prediction is sufficiently reliable, given the special characteristics of this class of proteins stability of the immunoglobulin fold; limited number of canonical structures for the hypervariable loops; <a href=>best generic cialis</a>
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Потеря года?
For antibodies, this method of structure prediction is sufficiently reliable, given the special characteristics of this class of proteins stability of the immunoglobulin fold; limited number of canonical structures for the hypervariable loops; <a href=>best generic cialis</a>
4. |
Событие года?
For antibodies, this method of structure prediction is sufficiently reliable, given the special characteristics of this class of proteins stability of the immunoglobulin fold; limited number of canonical structures for the hypervariable loops; <a href=>best generic cialis</a>
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Победа года?
For antibodies, this method of structure prediction is sufficiently reliable, given the special characteristics of this class of proteins stability of the immunoglobulin fold; limited number of canonical structures for the hypervariable loops; <a href=>best generic cialis</a>
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Поражение года?
For antibodies, this method of structure prediction is sufficiently reliable, given the special characteristics of this class of proteins stability of the immunoglobulin fold; limited number of canonical structures for the hypervariable loops; <a href=>best generic cialis</a>
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Цитата года?
For antibodies, this method of structure prediction is sufficiently reliable, given the special characteristics of this class of proteins stability of the immunoglobulin fold; limited number of canonical structures for the hypervariable loops; <a href=>best generic cialis</a>
8. |
фильм года?
For antibodies, this method of structure prediction is sufficiently reliable, given the special characteristics of this class of proteins stability of the immunoglobulin fold; limited number of canonical structures for the hypervariable loops; <a href=>best generic cialis</a>
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Книга года?
For antibodies, this method of structure prediction is sufficiently reliable, given the special characteristics of this class of proteins stability of the immunoglobulin fold; limited number of canonical structures for the hypervariable loops; <a href=>best generic cialis</a>
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Шутка года?
For antibodies, this method of structure prediction is sufficiently reliable, given the special characteristics of this class of proteins stability of the immunoglobulin fold; limited number of canonical structures for the hypervariable loops; <a href=>best generic cialis</a>
11. |
И, наконец, человек года?
For antibodies, this method of structure prediction is sufficiently reliable, given the special characteristics of this class of proteins stability of the immunoglobulin fold; limited number of canonical structures for the hypervariable loops; <a href=>best generic cialis</a>
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