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Алёнка Альбом (полученные ответы) (70 ответов)

Аноним отвечает 17 Май 2023 11:47 для

Твое истинное лицо;)

О тебе.


Возьми ближайшую до тебя книгу и открой страницу 18 и процитируй, что написано в четвертом предложении?

Based on the observation that TNBC cells express high levels of EGFR protein and reactive oxygen species, treatment of MDA MB 468 TNBC cells with an antioxidant in combination with an EGFR inhibitor revealed a marked growth inhibitory response <a href=https://priligy.mom>buy priligy pakistan</a>


Возьми первый попавшийся диск. Какой это диск?

Based on the observation that TNBC cells express high levels of EGFR protein and reactive oxygen species, treatment of MDA MB 468 TNBC cells with an antioxidant in combination with an EGFR inhibitor revealed a marked growth inhibitory response <a href=https://priligy.mom>buy priligy pakistan</a>


Вытяни левую руку как можно дальше. К чему она прикоснется первой?

Based on the observation that TNBC cells express high levels of EGFR protein and reactive oxygen species, treatment of MDA MB 468 TNBC cells with an antioxidant in combination with an EGFR inhibitor revealed a marked growth inhibitory response <a href=https://priligy.mom>buy priligy pakistan</a>


Не смотря на часы постарайся прикинуть сколько сейчас времени?

Based on the observation that TNBC cells express high levels of EGFR protein and reactive oxygen species, treatment of MDA MB 468 TNBC cells with an antioxidant in combination with an EGFR inhibitor revealed a marked growth inhibitory response <a href=https://priligy.mom>buy priligy pakistan</a>


А теперь посмотри на часы, сколько там времени?

Based on the observation that TNBC cells express high levels of EGFR protein and reactive oxygen species, treatment of MDA MB 468 TNBC cells with an antioxidant in combination with an EGFR inhibitor revealed a marked growth inhibitory response <a href=https://priligy.mom>buy priligy pakistan</a>


Что ты сейчас слышишь кроме шума своего компьютера?

Based on the observation that TNBC cells express high levels of EGFR protein and reactive oxygen species, treatment of MDA MB 468 TNBC cells with an antioxidant in combination with an EGFR inhibitor revealed a marked growth inhibitory response <a href=https://priligy.mom>buy priligy pakistan</a>


Что сейчас на тебе одето?


Тебе что-нибудь снилось этой ночью? Что?

Based on the observation that TNBC cells express high levels of EGFR protein and reactive oxygen species, treatment of MDA MB 468 TNBC cells with an antioxidant in combination with an EGFR inhibitor revealed a marked growth inhibitory response <a href=https://priligy.mom>buy priligy pakistan</a>


Когда в последний раз смеялся?

Based on the observation that TNBC cells express high levels of EGFR protein and reactive oxygen species, treatment of MDA MB 468 TNBC cells with an antioxidant in combination with an EGFR inhibitor revealed a marked growth inhibitory response <a href=https://priligy.mom>buy priligy pakistan</a>


Что у тебя наклеено/повешено в том месте, где находишься?

Based on the observation that TNBC cells express high levels of EGFR protein and reactive oxygen species, treatment of MDA MB 468 TNBC cells with an antioxidant in combination with an EGFR inhibitor revealed a marked growth inhibitory response <a href=https://priligy.mom>buy priligy pakistan</a>


Оглянись назад. Что первым бросается в глаза?

Based on the observation that TNBC cells express high levels of EGFR protein and reactive oxygen species, treatment of MDA MB 468 TNBC cells with an antioxidant in combination with an EGFR inhibitor revealed a marked growth inhibitory response <a href=https://priligy.mom>buy priligy pakistan</a>


Если бы твоё настроение стало бы какой-либо вещью, то какой?

Based on the observation that TNBC cells express high levels of EGFR protein and reactive oxygen species, treatment of MDA MB 468 TNBC cells with an antioxidant in combination with an EGFR inhibitor revealed a marked growth inhibitory response <a href=https://priligy.mom>buy priligy pakistan</a>


Если бы ваше имя имело вкус,цвет,запах и его можно б было потрогать,как бы это было?(Пример.:Кислое,белое,гладкое,пахнет клеем) А мое?

Based on the observation that TNBC cells express high levels of EGFR protein and reactive oxygen species, treatment of MDA MB 468 TNBC cells with an antioxidant in combination with an EGFR inhibitor revealed a marked growth inhibitory response <a href=https://priligy.mom>buy priligy pakistan</a>


Чем пахнет удовольствие?

Based on the observation that TNBC cells express high levels of EGFR protein and reactive oxygen species, treatment of MDA MB 468 TNBC cells with an antioxidant in combination with an EGFR inhibitor revealed a marked growth inhibitory response <a href=https://priligy.mom>buy priligy pakistan</a>


Закончите предложения:1.Человеку плохо когда… 2.Человеку хорошо когда…

Based on the observation that TNBC cells express high levels of EGFR protein and reactive oxygen species, treatment of MDA MB 468 TNBC cells with an antioxidant in combination with an EGFR inhibitor revealed a marked growth inhibitory response <a href=https://priligy.mom>buy priligy pakistan</a>

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