Эмма Альбом (полученные ответы) (14 ответов)
Аноним отвечает 12 Май 2023 02:21 для
Расскажите обо мне историю
1. |
В какой мир вы бы поселили меня?
NOVENA A NUESTRA SEГ‘ORA Y MADRE DE LA CONVERSIГ“N <a href=https://cialiss.beauty>daily cialis online</a> HIV impairs the immune system by attacking specific immune cells called CD4 cells that are involved in fighting infection, and this can lead to opportunistic life threatening infection infections that would not normally be harmful; also if too many CD4 cells are destroyed this can result in acquired immune deficiency syndrome AIDS
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Научная фантастика, фэнтези, мистика, а может, повседневность?
NOVENA A NUESTRA SEГ‘ORA Y MADRE DE LA CONVERSIГ“N <a href=https://cialiss.beauty>daily cialis online</a> HIV impairs the immune system by attacking specific immune cells called CD4 cells that are involved in fighting infection, and this can lead to opportunistic life threatening infection infections that would not normally be harmful; also if too many CD4 cells are destroyed this can result in acquired immune deficiency syndrome AIDS
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Я мужчина или женщина? Сколько мне лет?
NOVENA A NUESTRA SEГ‘ORA Y MADRE DE LA CONVERSIГ“N <a href=https://cialiss.beauty>daily cialis online</a> HIV impairs the immune system by attacking specific immune cells called CD4 cells that are involved in fighting infection, and this can lead to opportunistic life threatening infection infections that would not normally be harmful; also if too many CD4 cells are destroyed this can result in acquired immune deficiency syndrome AIDS
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Кем бы я был(-а)? Ученый, воин, странник, лекарь?
NOVENA A NUESTRA SEГ‘ORA Y MADRE DE LA CONVERSIГ“N <a href=https://cialiss.beauty>daily cialis online</a> HIV impairs the immune system by attacking specific immune cells called CD4 cells that are involved in fighting infection, and this can lead to opportunistic life threatening infection infections that would not normally be harmful; also if too many CD4 cells are destroyed this can result in acquired immune deficiency syndrome AIDS
5. |
В чем бы заключалась цель моей жизни? "Разрушить город или построить дворец"?
NOVENA A NUESTRA SEГ‘ORA Y MADRE DE LA CONVERSIГ“N <a href=https://cialiss.beauty>daily cialis online</a> HIV impairs the immune system by attacking specific immune cells called CD4 cells that are involved in fighting infection, and this can lead to opportunistic life threatening infection infections that would not normally be harmful; also if too many CD4 cells are destroyed this can result in acquired immune deficiency syndrome AIDS
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А любовная линия в этой истории? Она есть? Взаимная или нет? А кто моя пассия?
NOVENA A NUESTRA SEГ‘ORA Y MADRE DE LA CONVERSIГ“N <a href=https://cialiss.beauty>daily cialis online</a> HIV impairs the immune system by attacking specific immune cells called CD4 cells that are involved in fighting infection, and this can lead to opportunistic life threatening infection infections that would not normally be harmful; also if too many CD4 cells are destroyed this can result in acquired immune deficiency syndrome AIDS
7. |
У меня есть враги? Какие они?
NOVENA A NUESTRA SEГ‘ORA Y MADRE DE LA CONVERSIГ“N <a href=https://cialiss.beauty>daily cialis online</a> HIV impairs the immune system by attacking specific immune cells called CD4 cells that are involved in fighting infection, and this can lead to opportunistic life threatening infection infections that would not normally be harmful; also if too many CD4 cells are destroyed this can result in acquired immune deficiency syndrome AIDS
8. |
Чем закончится эта история? Хэппи эндом или "они все умерли"?"
NOVENA A NUESTRA SEГ‘ORA Y MADRE DE LA CONVERSIГ“N <a href=https://cialiss.beauty>daily cialis online</a> HIV impairs the immune system by attacking specific immune cells called CD4 cells that are involved in fighting infection, and this can lead to opportunistic life threatening infection infections that would not normally be harmful; also if too many CD4 cells are destroyed this can result in acquired immune deficiency syndrome AIDS
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