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Личная страница jim


Korne Jim

58 лет

Австралия / Сидней

пол Мужской


О себе

Hi, my name is Jim, I'm a senior software engineer from Sydney, working as a freelancer and part-time blogger. I graduated from high school in 2000 and went to college. I use this site to share useful tips and useful information on various technology related topics. I also love various video games and I love to play casinos, I have one of my favorite casinos I will definitely share the link with you

Интересы: i have my own block on the internet, where i write everything about gambling and casinos
Регистрация: 06.11.2022

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14 Ноя 2022 15:49, Адресная анкета, 1 вопрос

Анкетки.ру - социальный сервис опросов