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Фиона Альбом (полученные ответы) (252 ответа)

Аноним отвечает 14 Авг 2023 23:23 для

Работа и карьера

6 вопросов


Мечтаете ли вы о карьере?

Curcumin comes from the underground stem of Curcuma longa, an East Indian plant <a href=http://cialiss.quest>buy cialis online canadian pharmacy</a> As we mentioned, the participation in the trial on the one hand improved the health care monitoring of the subjects, but, on the other hand, it constantly reminded them of their potential condition as persons at risk for FFI


Какие занятия делают вас счастливыми?

Curcumin comes from the underground stem of Curcuma longa, an East Indian plant <a href=http://cialiss.quest>buy cialis online canadian pharmacy</a> As we mentioned, the participation in the trial on the one hand improved the health care monitoring of the subjects, but, on the other hand, it constantly reminded them of their potential condition as persons at risk for FFI


Что бы вы выбрали – творчество или высокий доход? Или без творческого подхода не может быть высоких доходов?

Curcumin comes from the underground stem of Curcuma longa, an East Indian plant <a href=http://cialiss.quest>buy cialis online canadian pharmacy</a> As we mentioned, the participation in the trial on the one hand improved the health care monitoring of the subjects, but, on the other hand, it constantly reminded them of their potential condition as persons at risk for FFI


Кем вы не будете работать?

Curcumin comes from the underground stem of Curcuma longa, an East Indian plant <a href=http://cialiss.quest>buy cialis online canadian pharmacy</a> As we mentioned, the participation in the trial on the one hand improved the health care monitoring of the subjects, but, on the other hand, it constantly reminded them of their potential condition as persons at risk for FFI


Если бы не нужно было работать – чем бы вы занялись?

Curcumin comes from the underground stem of Curcuma longa, an East Indian plant <a href=http://cialiss.quest>buy cialis online canadian pharmacy</a> As we mentioned, the participation in the trial on the one hand improved the health care monitoring of the subjects, but, on the other hand, it constantly reminded them of their potential condition as persons at risk for FFI


Позволяет ли ваша работа применять ваши интеллектуальные способности?

Curcumin comes from the underground stem of Curcuma longa, an East Indian plant <a href=http://cialiss.quest>buy cialis online canadian pharmacy</a> As we mentioned, the participation in the trial on the one hand improved the health care monitoring of the subjects, but, on the other hand, it constantly reminded them of their potential condition as persons at risk for FFI

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